Human Design: How the Mind Influences Decision-Making Processes

As a Human Design coach, one of my goals is to try to simplify some of the complex concocts explanatio this intricate and complex system. Understanding the role our mind plays in Human Design was challenging yet enlightening for me, as it represented a significant shift from my previous beliefs. This system offers a profound change in perspective regarding the role that the mind plays in our decision-making process. I hope this explanation helps to illuminate why this paradigm shift is not just fascinating but also essential to fully understanding the Human Design System.

Human Design, discovered by Ra Uru Hu, defies traditional views on decision-making. It suggests that while the mind is a powerful tool, it may not be the most dependable guide for making life choices. This principle is the foundation of Human Design. By reexamining the role of the mind, it invites us into a world of new possibilities, where decisions are influenced by a deeper, more instinctive, and intuitive part of our being.

In the world of Human Design, the role of the mind in decision-making is a topic of much debate and insight. Ra Uru Hu, the founder of this system, initially took a strong stance towards the mind’s role in our lives, emphasizing its limitations in making decisive choices.

The mind, as we know it, is complex and multi-layered, much of which remains a mystery to us. However, one aspect that is increasingly understood, thanks in part to the groundbreaking research in the field of epigenetics, is that a vast majority of our daily actions stem from conditioned patterns or what we refer to as the subconscious.

This understanding is crucial in Human Design. It suggests that relying on the mind for decision-making is flawed as it often operates from a conditioned standpoint. Our minds are heavily influenced by past programming received from parents, caregivers, teachers, priests, and other authority figures.

When we make decisions from these conditioned aspects of ourselves, we risk leading lives that are misaligned with our true nature. Human Design offers a transformative approach: shifting decision-making from the mind to our inner authority and the intelligence of the body. This shift enables our minds to fulfill their true purpose – serving as containers for creativity and imagination.

When we allow our decisions to be made through harnessing the wisdom of our inner authority, we enable our body’s intelligence to guide us in utilizing our energy correctly, helping us discern which choices and opportunities are right for us.

Embracing the principles of Human Design encourages us to reconsider the traditional approaches to our goals and challenges. It emphasizes the importance of aligning our decisions with our true selves, rather than being led by conditioned responses and societal expectations. By trusting in our inner authority and recognizing a different role of the mind in decision-making, we open ourselves to a more authentic, fulfilling path. Whether it’s in career choices, personal relationships, or self-development, applying Human Design principles can lead to a life that’s not only successful but also deeply resonant with who we truly are.